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  • 04/26 2022

    The 12th Forum of SKLEOC Young Investigators Held successfully

    The "12th Forum of State Key Laboratory of Elemento-organic Chemistry(SKLEOC)Young Investigators" was held in the report hall of Shixian Building, Nankai University online and offline from April 24 to 25, 2022. ...

  • 01/09 2022

    The 2021 Annual Conference of the State Key Laboratory of Elemento-organic Chemistr...

    On January 8, 2022, the 2021 Annual Conference of the State Key Laboratory of Elemento-organic Chemistry (Nankai University) ...

  • 09/19 2021

    The 2021 International Summit Forum on Chemical Reaction and Pharmaceutical Technol...

    The "2021 International Summit Forum on Chemical Reaction and Pharmaceutical Technology", was organized by Nankai University and Asymchem Pharmaceutical Group on September 17-18, 2021 ...

  • 07/16 2021

    The 7th EOC Symposium of Nankai University Held Successfully

    The 7th EOC Forum of State Key Laboratory of ElementO-Organic Chemistry, Nankai University was held grandly. ...

  • 04/29 2021

    Professor Lei Liu of Tsinghua University Visits the SKLEOC

    At the invitation of the State Key Laboratory ...

  • 04/13 2021

    Frontier Forum of Elemento-Organic Chemistry Held Successfully

    From April 10 to 11, 2021, Frontier Forum of Elemento- Organic Chemistry organized by the State Key Laboratory ...

  • 04/12 2021

    Research Institute of Petrochemical Industry of PetroChina and Nankai University Co...

    On April 9, 2021, Shengbao He, secretary of the Party committee and president of the Research Institute ...

  • 04/06 2021

    Prof. Lei Liu of Institute of Process Engineering, CAS, visited the SKLEOC

    Prof. Lei Liu of Institute of Process Engineering, CAS, visited the SKLEOC ...

  • 03/30 2021

    Professor Yandong Zhang of Xiamen University visits the SKLEOC

    On March 29, 2021, at the invitation of Professor Gong Chen, Professor Yandong Zhang of Xiamen University ...

  • 03/15 2021

    The 11th Forum of SKLEOC Young Investigators held successfully

          The 11th Forum of SKLEOC Young Investigators was held in Tianjin from March 13 to 14, 2021. ...

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