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The laboratory has focused mainly on the developments of new theoretical methods and experimental techniques in organic chemistry. Many new functional organic and organometallic compounds were synthesized. Their properties, especially the bio-activities have been investigated. The laboratory has made significant contributions to the pesticide science in China. The highly efficient herbicide Dan Long and other pesticides discovered and developed. our laboratory represented the national level of pesticide research and development. In last decades, the laboratory has made splendid progress in the basic research and technology development to serve the national needs. The projects of "organo-phosphorus chemistry and bioactive organo-phosphorus compound and"molecular recognition and assembly of cyclodextrin"won the National Natural Science Award(2nd); The project"the development of novel environmentally benign and highly efficient herbicides"won the National Invention Award (2nd): The process for the production of pesticide Feng Xiuning won the National Award on Advancement of Science and Technology (Ist), generating a profit of more than a billion yuan for the country; The process for the production of Luqinjuzhi won the National Invention Award(3rd), 1991 Paris International Exhibition silver medal and 1993 National Invention gold medal; The laboratory also won 33 other awards from different ministries of China and local.