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The Nankai-ACS Organic Letters Future Summit Forum Held Grandly

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2023/10/18

    The Nankai-ACS Organic Letters Future Summit, jointly organized by ACS Publications and the State Key Laboratory of Elemento-Organic Chemistry of Nankai University was held in Shixian Building on October 10, 2023. The editor in chief and editorial team of Organic Letters, the flagship journal of the American Chemical Society in the field of organic chemistry, gathered at the Nankai campus to collaborate with multiple outstanding scholars to share and explore cutting-edge research, creative methods and innovative concepts in the field of organic chemistry, bringing everyone an academic feast in organic chemistry.

The chairman of the summit was Prof. Gong Chen of Nankai University. Chief editor of the summit Prof. Marisa C. Kozlowski (University of Pennsylvania) and associate chief editor Academician Zhenfeng Xi (Peking University), together with Prof. Hongli Bao (Fujian Institute of Physical Structure, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Prof. Qiuling Song (Fuzhou University), Professor Tiezheng Jia (South University of Science and Technology), Researcher Zhiwei Zuo (Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Prof. Shouyun Yu (Nanjing University), Researcher Jun Deng (Nankai University), Researcher Youai Qiu (Nankai University) and other journal editors and outstanding scholars, as well as a large number of teachers, students participated in this forum.

At the beginning of the meeting, Prof. Gong Chen delivered an opening speech on behalf of Nankai University, warmly welcoming the attending experts, scholars, teachers and students and briefly introduced the chemistry discipline of Nankai University. He hopes that the attending representatives can strengthen the exchange and cooperation of new methods and technologies in organic chemistry through this meeting and strengthen the development of scientific and technological achievements and innovation. Later, Prof. Chunming Cui, director of the Key Laboratory and Institute of Elemento-Organic Chemistry, gave a speech to warmly welcome the arrival of the chief editor and editorial team of Organic Letters. Ms. Qianjun Tang from ACS Publications delivered a speech, giving a detailed introduction to the Organic Letters in the field of organic chemistry. She also expressed great gratitude to all the editors, deputy editors, editorial board members, authors, critics, and readers of Organic Letters. She looked forward to more opportunities for closer communication and cooperation with Nankai University to promote the development of global chemical research.

Prof. Marisa C. Kozlowski, the specially invited editor in chief of the journal, brought the first academic report to this summit and introduced the Organic Letters and its related thematic content. Subsequently, Academician Zhenfeng Xi and other invited speakers brought the latest research results in their research field to everyone. The report fully showcased the latest developments and cutting-edge trends in the field of organic chemistry, stimulated the participants' high research enthusiasm, sparked enthusiastic academic discussions and achieved the goal of promoting deep exchanges and cooperation. At the same time, the American Chemical Society also awarded a commemorative certificate to outstanding teachers in Nankai University who had a high number of citations in the journal of Organic Letters to attract more scholars and experts to pay attention to the journal. In addition, this summit was also broadcasted to the public through platforms such as Chemical Plus, Deep Eye Science Cloud and Kouxiang Academic with a total of participants online over 17000.

Finally, Prof. Marisa C. Kozlowski, editor in chief of the Organic Letters, delivered a closing speech for this meeting. She pointed out that this forum is an exciting and precious academic summit and sincerely thanked all the invited speakers and attendees. The convening of this forum further deepened the communication among researchers and played a significant role in integrating research resources, improving the overall academic research level and core competitiveness. She expects that everyone would continue to care about and support the development of the Key Laboratory and also appeals to academic researchers to pay more attention to Organic Letters. The Nankai-ACS Organic Letters Future Summit Forum was successfully concluded with warm applause from attendees.