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Prof. Yasushi Nishihara Visits the SKELOC

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2018/05/17

On the invitation of Prof. Qilin Zhou, Prof. Yasushi Nishihara of Okayama University paid visit to the SKLEOC on May 15th, 2018. Prof. Nishihara shared in depth discussions with faculties and students of the institute, and delivered a speech entitled “Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT): Application to organic field-effect transistors and photovoltaic” at the lecture hall of Shixian Building at 10.00 Am. In his talk he thoroughly shared his group’s progress on the application of organometallic chemistry to the synthesis of organic optoelectronic materials. After the lecture, there was further discussion concerning the details on the future development of organic materials. 

 Prof. Yasushi Nishihara graduated from Hiroshima University in 1992, and obtained his Ph.D degree in 1997 from the Graduate University for Advanced Studies. He joined the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1996, and moved to Okayama University in 2004 to begin independent research. Prof. Yasushi Nishihara’s primary research interest is organometallic chemistry, especially the design of novel transition metal catalyzed reactions and their applications to the synthesis of functional materials.