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Prof. Hailong Yan from Chongqing University Visits the SKLEOC

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2018/04/25


On April 24th of 2018, Prof. Hailong Yan from the school of medicine of Chongqing University visits the SKLEOC by the invitation of Prof. Guangxin Liang. Prof. Yan had in depth discussions with faculties and students of the SKLEOC, and gave a talk entitled “development of asymmetric synthetic strategies based on substrate designs” at the lecture hall of Shixian Building at 10 A.M. In his speech he thoroughly introduced his group’s studies on the reactions and applications of vinylideneortho-quinone methides. After the lecture further discussion was continued on the details of the talk.

Prof. Hailong Yan obtained his PhD degree in 2011 from Sungkyunkwan University under the supervision of Prof. Choong Eui Song. His PhD research focused on asymmetric organocatalysis, in which he developed kinetic resolutions of silyl ethers and asymmetric Strecker reactions. He later went to National University of Singapore for postdoctoral research with Prof Yu Zhao, exploring the fields of asymmetric transition metal catalysis. He joined the school of medicine of Chongqing University in May 2013 to begin independent research. His primary research interest is asymmetric organocatalysis. His group holds the idea of developing simple and efficient organocatalytic transformations based on substrate and catalyst designs. Over the past few years he has had over a dozen publications on renowned journals (J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.) with some of his work highlighted by Synfacts. Prof. Hailong Yan is currently supported by the Youth Foundation, the National Science Foundation and Chongqing Foundation.