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Professor Varinder Aggarwal from University of Bristol Visits SKLEOC

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2016/10/25

On October 12th, 2016, Prof. Varinder Aggarwal from University of Bristol, at the invitation of the State Key Laboratory of Elemento-organic Chemistry (SKLEOC), paid a visit to the SKLEOC in the name of the chair professor for “Nankai University Organic Chemistry Lectureship”. In addition to giving a lecture, Prof. Aggarwal also had face-to-face academic discussions with faculties and postgraduate students of the SKLEOC. During his talk, Prof. Aggarwal mainly introduced the “assembly line synthesis” concept that was put forward and developed by his research group.

Before the report, Prof. Qilin Zhou, on behalf of SKLEOC, conferred upon Prof. Aggarwal the medal of “Nankai University Organic Chemistry Lectureship”. In his report, Prof. Aggarwal first put forward the “assembly line synthesis” strategy, and then expounded his research work in realizing such a strategy by virtue of a carbon transfer reaction based on boron reagents. Through focusing on the scientific issues of the high-efficient introduction of boron, carbon chain extension, and transformation of the organo boron product into other functional groups, Prof. Aggarwal gave an account of his research group’s assembly line synthesis to several natural products. In terms of complex synthesis, Professor Aggarwal brought forth new ideas and perspectives, which are original and illuminating. After the report, faculties and students of SKLEOC had in-depth discussion with Professor Aggarwal on details of the potential of assembly line synthesis.