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Prof. Kyoko Nozaki from the University of Tokyo Visits SKLEOC

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2016/12/13


On December 12th, 2016, Prof. Kyoko Nozaki from the University of Tokyo, at the invitation of State Key Laboratory of Elemento-organic Chemistry (SKLEOC), paid a visit in the name of chair professor of the "Nankai University Organic Chemistry Lectureship". The Lectureship is an all-day  academic activity. Aside from having face-to-face academic communications with faculties and students of the SKLEOC, Prof. Nozaki made a lecture titled “Strong Electron Donors as Ligands and Their Role in Catalysis” in the Academic Lecture Hall of Synthesis Building of the Institute of Elemento-organic Chemistry at 16:00 p.m. 

Before the lecture, Prof. Qilin Zhou, conferred upon Professor Nozaki the metal of “The Nankai Lecture in Organic Chemistry” on behalf of SKLEOC. Prof. Nozaki is mainly engaged in research of homogeneous catalytic reaction in the field of polymer and organic synthesis. In her report, Prof. Nozaki expounded her group’s design and synthesis of strong electron donor ligands and their applications in transition metal catalysis. She then further demonstrated the use of their methods in the synthesis of polymers and natural products. Prof. Nozaki provided the attendees an illuminating lecture by virtue of her rich knowledge, meticulous illustration, and humorous language. After the lecture, faculties and students of SKLEOC had in-depth discussion with Prof. Nozaki on details of ligand syntheses, catalytic polymerizations, and the application of these metal catalysts in the synthesis of more complicated natural products.

CV of Prof. Nozaki:

Dr. Kyoko Nozaki

Professor of The University of Tokyo


Work address

Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology,

Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656 Japan

Phone&fax (+81)-3-5841-7261 e-mail: nozaki@chembio.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp



BS  1986 Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University (Prof.K. Utimoto)

Ph. D. 1991 from Kyoto University (Directed by Prof. K. Utimoto) thesis title "Studies on Triethylborane Induced Radical Reactions with Hydrides of Group 14 Elements"

During PhD study, 1988-1989 exchange student at UC Berkeley (Directed by Prof. C. H. Heathcock) "Studies on the Stereo-control in the Synthesis of Acyclic Compounds"


Professional Career

1991–1999   Instructor of Kyoto University (Prof. Hidemasa Takaya)

1999–2002  Associate Professor of Kyoto University

2000–2003   Researcher of PRESTO, JST

2002–2003   Associate Professor of The University of Tokyo

2003–       Professor of The University of Tokyo (current position)


Academic Activity

1997–       International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis (ISHC) International Advisory Board

2003–        J. Poly. Sci. Part A: Poly. Chem. (Wiley), International Advisory Board.

2003–2006   Dalton Trans. (Royal Society of Chemistry), International Advisory Board

2003–2007    Green Chemistry (Royal Society of Chemistry), International Advisory Board.

2008–2013   Journal of the American Chemical Society (American Chemical Society) Editorial Advisory Board

2009–2014    Organometallics (American Chemical Society) Editorial Advisory Board

2009–2016   ChemCatChem (VCH) Editorial Board

2010–        Chemical Science (The Royal Society of Chemistry) Advisory Board

2011–        Inorganic Chemistry (ACS) Editorial Advisory Board

2011–        Catalysis Science & Technology (The Royal Society of Chemistry) Advisory Board

2014–        Angewandte Chemie International Edition (Wiley) International Advisory Board


Research Interest

Homogeneous Catalysis for Polymer Synthesis and Organic Synthesis



1992 Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists

1994 Pfizer Award for Young Chemists in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan

1996 Selected as Special Young Lecturer at the 70th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Chemical Society

1998 The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Young Chemists

2003 Award for the Outstanding Paper Published in Polymer Journal.

2003 OMCOS prize

2004 Wiley Award of The Society of Polymer Science, Japan

2006 IBM Japan Science Award

2008 Saruhashi Award

2008 Mukaiyama Award

2009 Mitsui Chemicals Catalysis Science Award

2009 Nagoya Silver Medal

2012 ACS 2012 Organometallic Lecturer

2013 40th Annual G. Stafford Whitby Lecturer, The Univ of Akron

2013 The Award of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan

2013 Schlenk Lecturer, Universität Tübingen

2014 The 1st Casey Lecturer, University of Wisconsin, Madison

2015 Tarrant Lecturer of Organic Chemistry, University of Florida

2015 The 30th W. S. Johnson Lecturer, Stanford University

2016 ACS PMSE Doolittle Award



The Society of Polymer Science, Japan; The Chemical Society of Japan; The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan; Catalysis Society of Japan; The Kinki Chemical Society, Japan; The American Chemical Society; The Royal Society of Chemistry.