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Nankai Lectureship on Organic Chemistry Welcomes Prof. Junbiao Chang from Henan Normal University

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2016/10/06

On May 25th 2016, Prof. Junbiao Chang of Henan Normal University paid visit to the SKLEOC. Apart from academic communications, he gave a talk entitled “Prodrug Studies of Phosphate Nucleoside Analogues – Monoclonal Antibodies towards Liver Targeting”

    Before the talk, Prof. Jun Chen, vice dean of the chemistry department, handed the “Nankai University Lectureship on Organic Chemistry” certificate to Prof. Chang. During the speech, Prof. Chang pointed out the ubiquitous issues of current nucleoside analogues such as rapid decomposition, drug resistance and lack of efficient phosphorylation of several structures. He then introduced his group’s design of 2’-deoxy-3’OH-4’substituted novel nucleoside analogues and amino phosphate ester prodrugs. He continued to discuss the transportation of bioactive nucleoside phosphates using prodrugs and concept of utilizing P450 to catalyze the targeting of produgs to the liver and other tumors.  He further talked about his team’s strategy in developing novel drugs and achievements in the studies of novel nucleoside phosphate analogues. The excellence of the report was responded by an enthusiastic audience. After the lecture, faculties of the SKLEOC shared further words with Prof. Chang on the aspects of molecular drugs. 

    Prof. Junbiao Chang received his bachelor degree from Henan University in 1986, and obtained his Ph.D. in 1995 from the Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. He then conducted postdoctoral studies at Zhengzhou University and the University of Georgia. In 1999, he was appointed director of the Institute of Chemistry, Henan Academy of Sciences. In 2003 he became vice dean of Xinxiang Medical University, and later in 2006 served as vice president of Zhengzhou University. In 2015, he settled as president of Henan Normal University, director of Collaborative Innovation Center for Drugs at Henan Province, as well as professor at USTC and Tianjin University. 

    Prof. Chang was awarded “Outstanding Mid-Aged Experts” in 1998. In 1999, he began to receive special government allowances of the state council. He was selected into “million talent project” in 2004, and received the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2008. 
He obtained 2nd class of the state science and technology award once and received “Outstanding Contribution Award” of Henan Province among other prizes. His anti-HIV 1.1 type drug FNC is currently under phase II clinical trial, and his anti-brain ischemia 1.1 type drug BZP is under phase III clinical trial. He has published 9 books including “The Molecular Biology and Treatment of AIDS”. He has also published more than 230 papers on Nature, Science, Chem. Rev. and J. Med. Chem. He is the editor in-chief of “Life Science Journal – Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas”, vice editor of SCIE and a member of the 10th Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission.