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Nankai Lectureship on Organic Chemistry Welcomes Prof. Haiping Xia from Xiamen University

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2018/11/07



     On November 6th of 2018, Prof. Haiping Xia of Xiamen University paid visit to the SKLEOC. By 4 PM at the lecture hall of Shixian Building , he delivered a speech entitled “Carbolong: A Story of Carbon Chain Ligands and Transition Metals.


    Before the lecture, Prof. Chunming Cui, Director of the SKLEOC, presented Prof. Haiping Xia the “Nankai University Lectureship on Organic Chemistry” certificate. In his talk, Prof. Xia thoroughly introduced his group’s synthesis of a series of carbon chain ligated transition metals (named Carbolong Chemistry), and their application of these carbolong molecules to polymer sciences. The rigorous scientific attitude of Prof. Xia, and his scientific spirit of breaking conventional thinking had high impacts among the audience. The carbolong chemistry he developed brought several classic organic reactions to transition metal complexes. His research enforced the crossing of inorganic and organic chemistry. He also synthesized new novel skeletons which are hard to define as organic or inorganic. This unique lecture rouse great interest among the students. Prof. Xia willingly answered questions after the lecture, and had in depth discussion with several faculty members of the SKLEOC.

    Prof. Haiping Xia is a professor of chemistry at Xiamen University, and a member of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. He received his bachelor degree from Xiamen University in 1983 and his master degree in the same college in 1986, he then became a faculty member of Xiamen University. His main research interest is organometallic chemistry, especially the crossed fields of organic, inorganic and polymer chemistry. His research mainly focuses on non classical coordination chemistry using carbon as ligands. His work is recognized by “Top 10 scientific and technological achievements of Chinese Colleges” in 2013. In 2016, His work on “Carbolong Chemistry” became part of the “Great Achievements of 2016 Funded Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation”. He won the Huang Yao-Zeng Organometallic Chemistry Award in 2016.