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Nankai Lectureship on Organic Chemistry Welcomes Prof. Zhen Yang from Peking University

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2018/12/24

    On December 21st of 2018, Prof. Zhen Yang of Peking University visited SKLEOC on the invitation of the institute. Apart from academic discussions with faculties and students of the SKELOC, he also delivered a speech entitled “From Complex Natural Products of Important Biological Functions to the Exploration of Novel Synthetic Methods”.

    Before the lecture, Prof. Qilin Zhou dedicated to Prof. Yang the “Nankai University Lectureship on Organic Chemistry” certificate on behalf of the SKLEOC. In his lecture, Prof. Yang first introduced their research program based on biologically active natural products. He then emphasized that the modern synthetic chemistry should focus on the aspects of atomic economy, step economy, novel reactions and strategies. He systematically described his group’s work on the synthesis of important natural products, and the innovative reactions and tactics developed during these processes. The lecture hall was packed, and the audience was fully engaged in further discussion with Prof. Yang on the details of his syntheses.

Prof. Zhen Yang obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He then started postdoctoral studies at the Scripps Research Institute, where he accomplished the total syntheses of anti-cancer natural products Taxol and epothilones and the neurotoxin brevetoxin A. Afterwards he moved to Harvard University and conducted research on combinatorial syntheses based on the structural divergence of bioactive natural products. He went to Peking University in 2001, and is currently dean of the school of chemical biology & biotechnology of Peking University. His main research focuses on the development of efficient and original synthetic methods and their applications towards complex natural products and bioactive compounds. His research is recognized by the Changjiang Scholarship Program (2002),  the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2004), Eli Lily Scientific Excellence Award (2005), Baogang Distinguished Teaching Award of Peking University (2009), Wuxi Pharma Life Science Excellence Award (Golden Medal, 2010), “Zhou Weishan” Synthetic Creative Work Award (CSC, 2013), 2ndClass Prize of the National Natural Science Award (2016). He is currently editor in board of multiple journals including Combinatorial Science, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, Natural Products and Bioprospecting and MedChemComm. He currently holds >180 SCI publications and 14 patents.