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Dr. Chu Wang of Peking University Visits SKLEOC

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2016/12/20


On December 19th, 2016, Dr.  Chu Wang of Peking University, at the invitation of Prof. Xuncheng Su, paid a visit to the SKLEOC. At 14:00 p.m., Dr. Chu Wang made an academic report titled “Chemical Proteomics—Quantitative Analysis and Mechanism Research of Bioactive Molecule Target” in the Lecture Hall of Synthesis Building of the Institute of Elemento-organic Chemistry.

In his report, Dr. Wang first explained the new proteomics concept “Activity-based Protein Profiling (ABPP)”, and cited examples to illustrate ABPP’s applicability and uniqueness in proteomics research. He then expounded the relations between modernization of traditional Chinese medicine and proteomics with a story on a famous TCM ingredient baicalin and the discovery of the target through ABPP. After the report, the attending audience had in-depth discussion with Dr. Wang on the general applicability of ABPP technique on proteomics and flavonoids.

Dr. Chu Wang graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2001, and procured his doctoral degree in 2009 under the supervision of Prof. Dabid Baker, a world famous protein computing expert. After that, he joined Professor B. F. Cravatt’s research group for the study of ABPP and proteomics. In 2013, he returned to Peking University as a research fellow after being selected into the “Thousand Youth Talents Plan”.