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The SKLEOC Held 4th Meeting of the 6th Academic Committee & Academic Symposium

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2013/10/29

The 4th meeting of the 6th academic committee & academic symposium of the State Key Laboratory of Elemento-organic Chemistry was held in Tianjin during Oct. 25th-27th. More than 400 attendants took part in the conference, including special guests Prof. Jinpei Cheng, vice chairman of the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee of the National People's Congress; Wenping Liang, deputy director of the Department of Chemical Sciences of National Natural Science Foundation of China; Professor Canping Du of the Second Office of the Department of Chemical Sciences of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 13 members of the SKLEOC academic committee, full-time faculty members and guest research fellows of the SKLEOC, as well as other faculties and students of the SKLEOC. On behalf of Nankai University, Jingjun Xu, vice president of Nankai University gave opening remarks and extended his welcome to all governors and members of the SKLEOC Academic Committee for their participation in the meeting. Vice Director Wenping Liang delivered closing remarks and expressed congratulations on success this meeting. Prof.  Qilin Zhou, director of the SKLEOC, gave an account of the institute’s scientific accomplishments in the previous year. As specially invited speakers for the meeting, Professor Guy Bertrand from University of California made a lecture titled “stable carbenes and related species: powerful tools in organic, inorganic and organometallic chemistry”, Professor Matthias Beller from University of Rostock of delivered a speech entitled “Catalysis: An Enabling Technology for Practical & Sustainable Chemistry”, and Professor Zhenfeng Xi of Peking University reported on “semibullvalene and 2, 6-diazasemibullvalene: studies on homoaromatic molecules”. In addition to the three invited speakers, several full-time research fellows and guest research fellows of the SKLEOC were also given the opportunity to discuss their science with the audience.

At the SKLEOC 4th meeting of 6th academic committee, members of the committee deliberated the SKLEOC open fund application of 2013, and decided to sponsor 23 research topics by voting. This meeting afterwards discussed relevant issues on the future developments of the SKLEOC, in particularly the upcoming state assessment.