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Mini Symposium on the Total Synthesis of Natural Products: Series of Academic Symposiums for Commemorating the 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Shixian Yang Successfully Convened

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2016/12/12

On December 11th, mini symposium on the total synthesis of natural products: series of academic activities for commemorating the 120thanniversary of the nirth of Shixian Yang convened in the Academic Lecture Hall of the Synthesis Building of the Institute of Elemento-organic Chemistry. Jointly sponsored by 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center and the SKLEOC, this symposium invited seven domestic speakers. Professor Guangxin Liang hosted the opening ceremony of the symposium. Kai Qu, secretary of the party committee of the school of chemistry, delivered opening remarks on behalf of the school of chemistry, and extended his gratitude to all invited speakers.

As a specially invited guest, Wenping Liang, former executive deputy director of the Department of Chemical Sciences of National Natural Science Foundation of China, made a speech on behalf of invited speakers. Liang reviewed Prof. Shixian Yang’s far-reaching influence on China’s pesticide chemistry, Nankai University, and Nankai University’s chemistry as a scientist and educationist. He encouraged faculties and students of the school to inherit the spirit of Prof. Yang to make further contributions to China’s chemical research.   

Seven invited speakers prepared a wonderful set of lectures for this symposium. Prof. Zhujun Yao of Nanjing University expounded his research group’s systematic and in-depth studies on the total synthesis of chlorofusin in the past decade, fully demonstrating the application of synthetic organic chemistry in medicinal chemistry and new reaction discoveries.

Prof. Lei Liu of Tsinghua University showcased his group’s frontier achievements in the chemical synthesis of proteins, which exemplified the value of synthetic chemistry in the studies of life systems.

Professor Hongbin Zhai of Peking University made a report titled “total synthesis of several polycyclic natural products”. He systematically and profoundly narrated his research group’s strategies and considerations in the construction of polycyclic natural products, which was very thought-provoking.

Professor Yingjin Yuan of Tianjin University gave a lecture on “chemical regeneration of artificial cell factories”. This talk discussed complex molecule synthesis from the perspective of synthetic biology, which was quite inspiring.

In his talk, Prof. Liuzhu Gong of the University of Science and Technology of China introduced catalytic asymmetric reactions developed in his group, and the application of these reactions in the high-efficient syntheses of several complex alkaloids.

Report made by Prof. Xiaoguang Lei of Peking University fully displayed his research group’s characteristics in complex natural product synthesis and interdisciplinary research of chemistry and biology. Natural product synthesis served as a starting point in his research, further spanning to the field of target recognition and functional molecular probes.

The symposium concludes with a talk by Prof. Weidong Li of Chongqing University. He introduced his group's work on the total synthesis of several alkaloids with important bioactivity. 

This mini symposium promoted great discussion between the speakers and the audience. In the wake of each report, there was sufficient exchange and collision of ideas. Attendees of the conference showed great expectations to participating in similar academic symposiums in the future.