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2016 Symposium on Green Chemistry Convened Successfully

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2016/05/26

The 2016 symposium on green chemistry took place at the State Key Laboratory of Elemento-organic Chemistry on May 24th. Professor Liangnian was the host of this symposium. Prof. Youquan Deng of Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics CAS, Prof. Guohua Gao of East China Normal University, Prof. Wanzhi Chen of Zhejiang University, Prof. Ming Bao of Dalian University of Technology, Prof. Yizhuo Han of Institute of Coal Chemistry, CAS respectively made wonderful academic reports in the Lecture Hall of the Synthesis Building of the Institute of Elemento-organic Chemistry. The invited speakers also had in-depth discussion and communication with research faculties and students of SKLEOC on current hotspot issues in green chemistry.

In his report titled “direct and indirect catalytic conversion of CO2 and green process studies”, Prof. Youquan Deng first shared his ideas, feelings, challenges, and visions in the utilization of carbon dioxide. Subsequently, he introduced his research group’s work in the chemical conversion of carbon dioxide catalyzed by functionalized ionic liquids, and expounded the chemical process for the preparation of polyurea by carbon dioxide and diamines. Prof. Deng also emphasized the relations amongst solvent, ionic liquid and catalytic reaction performances. Finally, he further discussed the green synthesis route in which isocyanate is produced through a phosgene free method with urea serving as the carbonyl source, leading to indirect conversion of carbon dioxide.

In his report titled “catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide by ionic liquid/synthesis of fine organic chemical products by carbonic esters”, Prof. Guohua Gao introduced his research group’s new method of catalyzing the reaction of aniline and carbonic esters, and the 3 component synthesis of 2-oxazolidones with aniline, CO2 and epoxides by taking ionic liquid as the catalysis. He further discussed the mechanism and influential factors for catalyzing similar reactions of by ionic liquid. Subsequently, Professor Gao narrated his research group’s achievements in poly ionic liquids.

In his report titled “simple synthesis and catalytic reactions of metal N-Heterocyclic carbenes”, Prof. Wanzhi Chen first introduced the unique nature of metal N-Heterocyclic carbenes and their extensive applications in chemical reactions. However, the preparation of such carbenes usually required strictly anhydrous and anaerobic conditions. This background inspired his research group to develop a more robust method of preparing N-hetereocyclic carbenes. Prof. Chen demonstrated that by replacing the metallic compounds with metal powders, they can produce N-hetereocyclic carbenes under aerobic and even aqueous conditions.

In his report titled “copper catalyzed preparation of aryl halides and studies on halogen exchange reaction”, Prof. Ming Bao first introduced his research group’s research progress in cupric oxide-catalyzed synthesis of aromatic chlorides. He then discussed his group’s studies on the halogen exchange reaction, and expounded the process of exploring the reaction mechanism.

In his report titled “low-temperature methanation process of syngas and catalyst preparation”, Prof. Yizhuo Han first introduced the background for research of coal chemical industry and restrictions of carbon dioxide emission on the development of coal chemical industry. He then narrated Shanxi Province’s unique advantages in coal resources, and abundant coalbed gas and coke oven gas in Shanxi Province lead to the research on production of hydrogen by coalbed gas and coke oven gas instead of water gas. In addition, Prof. Han expounded the new process for catalyzing methane and carbon dioxide reforming by embedded nickel/zirconium.

Wonderful reports by the five speakers and at the frontier fields of green chemistry aroused much interest from attending faculties and students of the SKLEOC. After the conference, the audience discussed enthusiastically with the speakers in terms of new ideas, strategies, and reaction mechanisms.