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The 5th Nankai-Asymchem Lectureship Convenes in Nankai

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2018/10/24


    On October 17th of 2018, the 5thNankai-Asymchem Lectureship took place at Nankai University. The invited speakers of this year are Prof. Jan-E. Bäckvall from Stockholm University and Dr. Stephan Caron from Pfizer. They respectively demonstrated their recent works in developing biomimetic green organocatalysis and practical industrial syntheses of pharmaceutical relevant building blocks. The lecture was hosted by Prof. Qilin Zhou. The invited speakers later had in depth discussions with faculties of organic chemistry discipline. Leaders and experts from Asymchem were also present at the lectureship.     

    The Nankai-Asychem Lectureship is founded by Asymchem and Nankai University in 2014. The lectureship takes place annually in October or November. Each lectureship invites one member each from the academia (distinguished professors) and the industry (leaders and chief scientists from established pharmaceutical industries) to speak at Nankai University. The idea of the lectureship is to encourage students in face-to-face communications with top-tier elites of both the academia and the industry. The lectureship serves as a platform for the students to understand the cutting-edge developments of chemistry, biology and medicinal sciences, as well as providing a broader view for international scientific cooperations.