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2018 Beijing-Tianjin Salon on Organic Chemistry Successfully Convenes

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2018/10/11

Held by the SKLEOC, the Beijing-Tianjin Salon on Organic Chemistry was held from October 4th-10th of 2018. More than 60 researchers from Nankai University, Peking University, Tsinghua University and the Institute of Chemistry (CAS) were present at the conference. The opening ceremony was hosted by Prof. Pingping Tang. Prof. Chunming Cui, director of the SKLEOC, gave the opening remarks. 

During the salon, Prof. Ning Jiao of Peking University delivered a speech entitled “Difficulties and Challenges in the Conversion of Simple Hydrocarbons”; Prof. Congyang Wang of the Institute of Chemistry talked about “Activation and Conversion of Nitrogen”; Prof. Yefeng Tang of Tsinghua University discussed the topic “Artificial Intelligence and Synthetic Chemistry – The Beginning or the End?”; Prof. Zhijin Fan of Nankai University lastly gave the lecture “Frontiers on the Protection of Green Plants based on Self-Defense”. The talks focused on the advantages, challenges, opportunities and histories of organic chemistry in these fields. These in depth concepts greatly arouse discussions among the audience.   

New talents joint to these four research institutes gave self-introductions on the salon. Prof. Zhengren Xun, and Rong Zhu of Peking University, Prof. Weimin Xuan of Nankai University and Prof. Meng Li of Tsinghua University, shared their research ideas and future perspectives and were advised by experienced senior researchers. 
Throughout the free discussion session, participants of the conference each gave their thoughts on ways to improve the salon. By the end, Prof. Qilin Zhou offered closing remarks, encouraging researchers to keep up the scientific spirit.

The Beijing-Tianjin Salon on Organic Chemistry was brought up by Prof. Qilin Zhou, Prof. Zhenfeng Xi and Prof. Meixiang Wang in 2003. The idea was to develop an advanced platform for researchers to discuss the frontiers of organic chemistry. The current salon is the 16th. The 17thsalon will be held in Peking University.