On November 22, Prof. Eugene Y.-X. Chen of Colorado State University was invited by the State Key Laboratory of Elemento-organic Chemistry to give a lecture on Nankai Lectureship on Organic Chemistry. In the afternoon, he gave an academic report entitled "Design Principles and Synthetic Methodologies in the New Era of Polymer Science" in the academic lecture hall of Shixianlou after exchanging and interacting with teachers and students of the Key Laboratory. The lectrure was chaired by Prof. Xiaochen Wang from the Key Laboratory and nearly 100 teachers and students from the Key Laboratory participated in the academic exchange.

Before the report began, Prof. Pingping Tang, Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory, first presented the certificate of "Nankai Lectureship on Organic Chemistry" to Prof. Eugene Y.X. Chen on behalf of the Key Laboratory. In the report, Prof. Chen first reviewed his educational experience in Nankai when he was young. Then, starting from the types of polymers and carbon cycling, he proposed the ideal state of recyclable polymers and believed that the cycling of polymers needed to be tailored to local conditions. Subsequently, he systematically introduced several pioneering works of his research group in polymer synthesis research, shared his experience and relevant theoretical basis in monomer design, polymer coupling, chiral monomer-controlled polymerization, etc. And looked forward to future research directions at the end of the report. After the report, Prof. Chen had a wonderful interaction with the participating teachers and students.