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Professor Nicolas Giuseppone from University of Strasbourg Visits the SKLEOC

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2017/02/23


At the invitation of Prof. Yu Liu, Prof. Nicolas Giuseppone from University of Strasbourg (UDS)  visited the SKLEOC. He gave an excellent lecture titled “Triarylamines-based Supramolecular Polymers: Structures, Dynamics, Functions” in the Lecture Hall of Shixian Building at 16:00 PM on February 20th, 2017.

In his lecture, Prof. Giuseppone first introduced their synthesis of columnar fiber-like supramolecular polymer through supramolecular method, and their applications to build conductive supramolecular machines under photochemical conditions. Prof. Giuseppone’s wonderful lecture and clear-cut descriptions aroused much interest from the audience. After the lecture, faculties and students of the SKLEOC had in-depth discussion with Prof. Giuseppone on details of supramolecular polymers and light control device materials.

Prof.  Nicolas Giuseppone received his PhD from University of Paris-Sud.Then he joined the group of Prof. K. C. Nicolaou at the Scripps Research Institute for his postdoctoral research. In 2008, he started his independent career at the University of Strasbourg. Prof. Giuseppone’s research covers the  fields of synthetic organic  chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, dynamic combinatorial chemistry, self-assembled functional materials, supramolecular machines, and supramolecular polymer.