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Academic Lectures in honor of the 100th birth anniversary of Prof. Ruyu Chen - SKLEOC welcomes Prof. Yan Xia of Stanford University

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2018/12/04


    On November 30th of 2018, Prof. Yan Xia of Stanford University paid visit to the SKLEOC by in the invitation of Prof. Chunming Cui. He gave a lecture entitled “Building and Breaking Molecular Ladders to Develop Antiaromatic and Force-Responsive Materials” at the lecture hall of Shixian Building. The lecture was hosted by Prof. Chunming Cui.

    Prof. Xia’s research group is devoted to the development of efficient synthetic methods for the synthesis of strained compounds, especially cyclubutadiene structured polycyclic aromatic compounds, and force responsive functional materials. In his lecture, Prof. Xia first presented a palladium catalyzed cyclization reaction between norbornadiene and aromatics that they developed. This reaction enabled the assembly of microporous rigid polymers featuring antiaromatic fragments and conjugated compounds. Prof. Xia then discussed a special type of ladder polymers his team discovered.  These polymers are force responsive, under outer forces these polymers may undergo the breaking and rearrangement of chemical bonds, forming polyethynes with total conjugationin situ. The synthesis of organic semi-conductors using outer force breaking of ladder polymers has huge potential in basic scientific studies and applications in material sciences. After the talk, the audience were engaged in having further discussions with Prof. Xia.  

    Prof. Xia received his bachelor degree from Peking University in 2002. He then received his master’s degree from McMaster University in 2006, then obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2010 from Caltech under the supervision of Prof. Robert Grubbs and Julie Kornfield. He then conducted further research at Dow and MIT. In 2013, he began his independent research at Stanford University. His main research focus is the design, synthesis and modification of organic materials and polymers via novel synthetic methods and rational molecular designs.