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The SKLEOC Holds Conference of Raising Scientific Talent

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2018/06/26

In response to the requirement of“2018 Notice on National Day for Scientists and Technologists” given by the Ministry of Science as well as to implement the thought on socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a new era brought up by Jinping Xi at the 19th CPC National Congress, the SKLEOC held a conference centered on raising scientific talent on June 2nd at the Tianjin Home for Scientists and Technologists.

Prof. Jun Chen, Dean of the chemistry department and Prof. Xianhe Bu, Dean of the department of material science and engineering, joint the meeting on behalf of the SKLEOC faculties. The two professors analyzed the current obstacles in raising new talent in their respective departments, and gave their own thoughts and suggestions on the perfection of the current talent raising system. Prof. Pingchuan Sun, Vice Dean of the chemistry department who is in charge of graduate student organizations, participated in the meeting as special invited guest. He shared the talent raising policies and guidelines in every subject of the chemistry department. Prof Cunming Chui, director of the SKLEOC, examined the talent raising programs of related research institutes using big data, and proposed system construction and reform plans on the improvement of attraction to excellent students, scientific research abilities and overall qualities of the SKLEOC. Other faculties of the SKLEOC also gave their suggestions according to the features of the organic chemistry major and their own experiences on raising graduate students.    

After the conference, members of the SKLEOC were greeted by Lizhu Zhang, vice president of the Tianjin Association for Science and Technology. The SKLEOC faculties then had further association with the Tianjin Association for Artists.