From July 13th to 14th, 2019, the 6th EOC Forum at Nankai was grandly held in the lecture hall on the fourth floor of Tiannan United Building. More than 200 teachers and students from the Key Laboratory participated in the forum. The theme of this forum is "Elemento-Organic Compounds: Synthesis and Applications", and Prof. Chunming Cui, director of the Key Laboratory, is the chairman of the conference. The forum invited 18 experts and scholars from well-known universities and research institutions internal and abroad to conduct academic exchanges. At the same time, the forum received 40 posters from registered participants outside the school and students at Nankai University.
Prof. Cui, delivered the opening speech and introduced the overview of the State Key Laboratory of Elemento-Organic Chemistry and the historical heritage of the EOC Forum, as well as expressed warm welcome to the guests on behalf of all teachers and students of the Key Laboratory. The foreign scholars including Prof. Douglas W. Stephan (the University of Toronto), Prof. Gerhard Erker (the University of Münster), Prof. Martin Oestreich (the Technical University of Berlin) Alexander Radosevich (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Prof. Shigehiro Yamaguchi (Nagoya University), Japan Prof. Ryo Shintani (Osaka University), Prof. Shigeyoshi Inoue (Technical University of Munich), Prof Rei Kinjo (Nanyang Technological University), Prof. Rebecca Melen (Cardiff University), Prof Masayuki Wasa (Boston College), Prof Shaozhong Ge (National University of Singapore), as well as the domestic scholars including Academician Qilin Zhou (Nankai University), Prof. Guoxin Jin (Fudan University), Prof. Wanbin Wang (Shanghai Jiaotong University), Prof. Wenjun Tang (the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), Prof. Junliang Zhang (Fudan University), Prof. Xiaochen Wang and Prof. Peng Qian (Nankai University) attended this forum and gave a wonderful academic talk. The forum report roundly demonstrated the latest achievements in the synthesis and application of new elemental organic reagents such as B, P, Si, etc. from different angles, and promoted exchanges and cooperation among participants in the field of elemental organic chemistry. As a platform for international academic exchanges, this forum has well highlighted the demeanor of Chinese chemists and the gradually formed academic influence in front of international colleagues.

During the presentation of the poster, the participants had full exchanges, and every participating student received on-site guidance from the guests full of strong academic atmosphere. The 18 invited speakers was selected as review experts for the 40 exhibiting posters. Director Cui issued award certificates with the autographs of the inviting speaker and bonus prizes to four students including Lizhao Zhu, Bo Li, Junjie Tian and Chaopeng Hu. The poster presentation and awarding sessions are the exchange and affirmation of the scientific research achievements of the students, greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the students in scientific research.
After the award ceremony, Prof. Dongbing Zhao delivered the closing speech of the forum, sincerely thanking all domestic and foreign experts and scholars for participating in the 6th EOC Forum and enjoying a rich and precious academic feast with the teachers and students. The forum drew to a successful close, with everyone feeling joyous and satisfied.