The SKLEOC held the 9th Forum Young at the Tianjin Scientists and Engineer’s Club from Jan. 5th-6th. Prof. Qilin Zhou, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Wei Li, Deputy Director of the Nankai Department of Science and Technology and Xianhe Bu, Dean of the College of Material Science and Engineering also attended the forum as senior scientists. The forum was hosted by Prof. Guangxin Liang (Deputy Director of the SKLEOC). Prof. Chunming Cui (Director of the SKLEOC) gave opening remarks.
During the forum, attendees each reported their representative achievements of 2018, and gave their insights on further research in the upcoming 2019. The forum had a great academic atmosphere. The discussion period afterwards was full of inspiring scientific discussions.
This forum served to promote cooperation among research groups, beneficial to the overall scientific development of the SKLEOC. In the upcoming 2019, we shall achieve more scientifically for the 100th anniversary of Nankai University and the “double first-class” of Nankai University and the College of Chemistry!