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Nankai Lectureship on Organic Chemistry Welcomes Prof. Dale L. Boger from the Scripps Research Institute

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2017/05/31

    On May 25th 2018, Prof. Dale L. Boger from the Scripps Research Institute paid visit to the SKLEOC. After scientific discussions with faculty members of the institute in the morning, he gave a lecture entitled “Redesign of Vancomycin for Resistant Bacteria” at 4:00 P.M. in the lecture of hall of Shixian Building.
    Before the speech, Prof. Qilin Zhou dedicated Prof. Boger the “Nankai University Lectureship on Organic Chemistry” certificate on behalf of the SKLEOC. In his talk, Prof. Boger thoroughly discussed his research on the structural modification and total synthesis of vancomycin to improve its biological activities towards resistant bacteria. The humorous style of Prof. Boger’s talk was certainly attractive to the audience resulting in an enthusiastic atmosphere. After the talk, further discussions continued on the details of the activities of vancomycin. 

    Prof. Dale L. Boger received his Ph.D. in 1980 from Harvard University under the supervision of Prof. E. J. Corey. He is currently Richard and Alice Cramer Professor of Chemistry at the department of chemistry and Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology, and served as chairman of the department of chemistry from 2012. Prof. Boger is internationally reckoned as an expert in organic synthesis, heterocyclic chemistry, natural product synthesis and their biological functions, synthetic methodologies and medicinal chemistry. He is the founding editor of Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters. He’s research has received much awards, including being a member of the National Academy of Sciences and American Academy of Arts and Sciences.




