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Congratulations on Six Scholars from the State Key Laboratory of Elemento-Organic Chemistry been Selected for the Annual List of "Highly Cited Chinese Researchers" in 2022!

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2023/03/30

    On March 28, 2023, Elsevier released the 2022 list of "Highly Cited Chinese Researchers", which contained 5,216 Chinese scholars with the most global influence in various disciplines, covering 10 research fields and 84 first-level disciplines of the Ministry of Education. 6 scholars from the State Key Laboratory of Elemento-Organic Chemistry were selected, including Academician Qilin Zhou, Academician Xianhe Bu, Professor Yu Liu, Professor Liangnian He, Professor Yongsheng Chen and Professor Qingmin Wang.

The Elsevier " Highly Cited Chinese Researchers" list uses the Scopus database (a global authoritative citation and indexing database) as the source of statistics on the research results of Chinese scholars, and adopts the selection method designed by Shanghai SoftTech Education Information Consulting Co. The listed scholars implies that the scholars have world-class influence in their research fields and their research results have made significant contributions to the development of the field.