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China Tianchen Engineering Corporation Ltd. Visited SKLEOC

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2023/03/10

     On March 3, 2023, Linlin Liu, director of technology development department of China Tianchen Engineering Co., Ltd. and his delegation visited the SKLEOC for communication. Chunming Cui, director of the Key-Laboratory, Wei Li, deputy director of Science and Technology Department of Nankai University, Jianhua Xie and Mengchun Ye, deputy directors of the SKLEOC attended the meeting.

Director Cui firstly welcomed the visit of Tianchen and accompanied the visitors to retrace the path of General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Nankai University and introduced the basic situation of the Key-Laboratory. He mentioned that the Key-Laboratory insist on the equal importance of basic and applied research, attached great importance to the chain development of the integration of Industry-University-Research and actively promoted the "going out" of scientific research results over the years to serve the major strategies of national science and technology. We hoped to strengthen the communication with Tianchen in the future, promote the deep integration of industry-university-research and realize the strong combination of advantageous industries and advantageous disciplines.

Linlin Liu expressed her gratitude for the warm reception of the Key-Laboratory, and then introduced the development prospect and main R&D contents of Tianchen. She said the company's R&D original innovation capability needed to be strengthened and expected the Key-Laboratory to play the role of the original innovation source of the university and established a regular exchange mechanism to promote the complementary advantages of both sides to carry out concrete and in-depth cooperation in the transformation of achievements.

China Tianchen Engineering Corporation Ltd was established in 1953, formerly known as the First Design Institute of the former Ministry of Chemical Industry, and is the earliest national chemical survey and design unit established in China, which now belongs to China Chemical Engineering Corporation. After more than 60 years of development, it has become an international engineering company integrating five major capabilities: technology research and development, general engineering contracting, industrial operation, international trade and investment and financing.