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Academic Lectures in honor of the 100th birth anniversary of Prof. Ruyu Chen - SKLEOC welcomes Prof. Wei Zhang from University of Massachusetts Boston

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2019/05/28

      On May 25th 2019, Prof. Wei Zhang, Director of the Center for Green Chemistry at the University of Massachusetts Boston paid visit to the SKLEOC by the invitation of Prof. Liangnian He. Prof. Zhang delivered a talk entitled “Green Synthesis and Organocatalysis for Heterocyclic Compounds” at the 202 room of Shixian Building.

      Prof. Zhang opened his speech by first introducing the 12 principles of green chemistry. He then developed the talk by discussing one-pot reactions, microwave reactions, multicomponent reactions, fluorous chemistry. These reactions are applied in the synthesis of stereochemically complex molecules with potential biological activities. Prof. Zhang also demonstrated the screening of the drug targets of multiple compounds. The targets involve HIV reactivation, RORγt and MDM2. Prof Zhang’s inspiring speech then ended with an enthusiastic discussion section.

      Prof. Wei Zhang obtained his bachelor’s degree in 1982 from Nanjing University. He then moved abroad to obtain his Ph.D. degree in 1993 from the University of Pittsburgh, he then stayed till 1995 as a postdoc and research assistant at the. He joined DuPont in December of 1995. From 2001-2008 he was director of chemistry at FTI. By February of 2008 He took position at the University of Massachusetts Boston as associate professor, and was promoted to full professor in 2013. He is currently the Director of the Center for Green Chemistry at the institute. He has received the International Fluorous Technologies Award (2015), GlaxoSmithKline HIV Drug Discovery and Development Research Award (2003), DuPont Agricultural Products, Global Technology Accomplishment Award (1998). In 2013 he was selected into the 9th list of the National Thousand Talent Program of China. Prof. Wei Zhang is an internationally reckoned expert in fluorous chemistry, radical chemistry, combinatorial chemistry and green chemistry. He has currently authored over 200 research papers and published a book named “Green Techniques for Organic and Medicinal Chemistry” in 2012 (2nd edition was published in 2018). He has been invited to over 19 nations for over 200 lectures. He is on the editorial board of 7 journals and a member of 3 international green chemistry committees. He was on the review panel of the 2016 and 2017 US Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards. In 2015, he was awarded International Fluorous Technology Award in Italy. He is currently collaborating with Harvard University and the Berlin University School of Medicine on developing anti-cancer and HIV drugs.