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Prof. Xiao-Ye Wang of College of Chemistry, Nankai University Won the First Zhu Daoben Organic Solid Youth Innovation Award of the Chinese Chemical Society

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2023/07/01

   Recently, Prof. Xiao-Ye Wang of College of Chemistry, Nankai University won the first Zhu Daoben Organic Solid Youth Innovation Award of Chinese Chemical Society and was awarded at the 12th Chinese Chemical Society Organic Solid Electronic Process and Chinese Organic Optoelectronic Functional Materials Academic Discussion Conference.

Zhu Daoben Organic Solids Youth Innovation Award of Chinese Chemical Society was established in 2022, which is relying on the Solid Major committee of Chinese Chemical Society. The award aims to reward young researcher who have made outstanding achievements in the field of organic solids with good scientific ethics and ethos. The price winner should set a good example for young peers so as to promote the growth of young scientific talents and the development of China's organic solids field. The award will be reviewed every two years and 10 candidates will be selected each time, including young teachers/researchers (under the age of 40) and postdoctoral/postgraduate students.

Prof. Xiao-Ye Wang, doctoral supervisor, independent research group leader (PI) of School of Chemistry, Nankai University, was selected as the national "Four Youth" talent plan. He graduated from Nankai University in 2009, acquired doctor degree from Peking University in 2014 (with Prof. Jian Pei). From 2014 to 2019, he conducted postdoctoral research at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany (with Prof. Klaus Müllen). In 2019, he joined the School of Chemistry, Nankai University and independently carried out research work relying on the State Key Laboratory of Elemento-organic Chemistry. He has been engaged in the design and synthesis of organic conjugated molecular materials and functional device research for a long time, especially the research on the accurate construction of boron heterodense ring conjugated systems and photoelectric process regulation, and has achieved a series of innovative achievements. More than 80 papers in international high-level academic journals have been published, which have been cited more than 5,100 times. Since his independent work, he has published 19 papers as corresponding author, including J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2), Angew.Chem. Int.Ed. (6), Nat.Commun. (1), Acc.Chem. Res. (1), etc. Won the excellent paper Award of Chinese Science and Chemistry and served as Chin.Chem.Lett. and SmartMat young editor.