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Prof. Pingping Tang of College of Chemistry, Nankai University was Honored as "2022 Tianjin Outstanding Young Graduate Student Instructor"

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2023/05/23

Recently, the list of Outstanding Young Graduate Instructors of Tianjin in 2022 was announced. Professor Pingping Tang of College of Chemistry, Nankai University was awarded this honor. As a model of moral education, Prof. Tang has been rooted in the front line, dedicated to educating people, reforming and innovating and achieved fruitful results. We would like to extend our warm congratulations to Prof. Tang!

Pingping Tang, PhD supervisor, is currently the Vice Dean of College of Chemistry and Deputy Director of State Key Laboratory of Elemento-organic Chemistry of Nankai University. Since he joined Nankai University in 2012, he has always implemented the Party's education policy, insisted on the starting point and fundamental task of moral education. He held the opinion of the unity of teaching and educating people, implemented teaching and research education and actively undertook and participated in graduate teaching reform. He won the 2022 National Teaching Achievement Award for Higher Education (Postgraduate) (second prize, 5/14), Tianjin Postgraduate Teaching Achievement Award (Special Award, 5/14), Outstanding Master's Thesis Supervisor of Nankai University, etc. He has published more than 70 papers and granted 5 patents and been awarded as the Young Chemistry Award of the Chinese Chemical Society and the China Homogeneous Catalysis Youth Award. Up to now, more than 10 national projects such as the National Key R&D Program have been presided over or completed by Prof. Tang.