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Lunan Pharmaceutical Group Visited The SKLEOC

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2023/05/16

On May 13, Liu Zhong, an alumnus of Nankai University and deputy general manager of Lunan Pharmaceutical Group, led a team to visit the State Key Laboratory of Elemento-organic Chemistry (Nankai University). Shoufei Zhu, Dean of the College of Chemistry, Wei Li, Vice Minister of the Science and Technology Research Department of Nankai University and Lingyan Liu, Secretary of the Party General Branch and Deputy Director of the Institute of Elemento-organic Chemistry, received peer inspectors. Jianghua Shi, Director of the R&D Department of Lunan Pharmaceutical Group, Guangqing Pei, Director of the Human Resources Department of New Era Pharmaceutical, Anguo Zhu, an alumnus of Nankai University and director of the Chemical Pharmaceutical Research Center, and Yulin Diao, Project Leader of the International Drug R&D Center, warmly discussed key issues in enterprise R&D, as well as issues related to joint college student expansion training and party building with universities. The peer inspectors include Jianguo Bian, the Regional Director of Tianjin Pharmaceutical Company, Chenghong Sun, the Pharmacodynamics Director of the New Drug Pharmacology Center, Jie Liu, the Recruitment Manager of the Human Resources Department of New Era Pharmaceutical, Ruixue Zhao, the Research Office of Lunan Pharmaceutical Group, Bingxuan Xin, the Director of the Second Department of Tianjin Hospital, and Xiping Bao, the Director of the Second Department of Tianjin Hospital. Teachers from the Element Institute, including Jianyu Zheng, Fengbo Xu, You Huang, Chuanzheng Zhou, Jun Deng, Jing Li, Qingshan Li, Yizhou Zhu, Fangzhong Hu, Hongxue Wang, Jun Tong, Yuxin Luan and relevant personnel from the research office of the institute participated in this visit.

In the afternoon, Mengchun Ye, Lingyan Liu, Jing Li and other teachers accompanied the representatives of Lunan Pharmaceutical Group to retrace the inspection road of General Secretary and visited the History Hall of Nankai University and the SKLEOC.

This visit activity further deepened the School-Enterprise alliance between the College of Chemistry of Nankai University and Lunan Pharmaceutical Group, laid a solid foundation for the later joint research platform between schools and enterprises and provided support for further strengthening the integration of industry, academia, and research.