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Four Scholars from the Key-Laboratory on being Selected into the Global "Highly Cited Researchers" List of Clarivate in 2022!

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2022/11/17

Clarivate released the lists of global "Highly Cited Scientists" of 2022 on November 15, 2022. Prof. Xianhe Bu, prof. Yongsheng Chen, prof. Xiangjian Wan and prof. Qian Peng of Key-Laboratory were selected. It is reported that 6938 scientists from 69 countries and regions around the world have been included in the list of 2022, who have had an important academic influence on single or multiple disciplines of natural and social sciences in the past decade. Nankai University has 19 people selected for this year's list.

The selection method of Highly Cited Scientists is based on the Citation data analyzed by bibliometrics experts and data scientists from Clarivate Scientific Information Institute (ISI) of Web of Science™. The papers of scientists selected into the list of "Highly Cited Scientists" are cited frequently on the Web of Science ™ in the top 1% of the same year of publication. The 2022 list is selected based on the number of highly cited papers published during the 11 years from January 2011 to December 2021. This year, 6938 scientists from 69 countries and regions were selected. Some outstanding scientists were selected into multiple ESI disciplines, with a total of 7225 people, including 3981 people selected into specific disciplines and 3244 people selected into multiple disciplines.