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Prof. Yves Queneau Visits the SKLEOC

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2019/04/28

    By invitation of Prof. Liangnian He, Prof. Yves Queneau of the Centre National de la Recherché Scientifique (CNRS) paid visit to the SKLEOC. On 3:30 PM of April 26th, 2019, he delivered a speech entitled “Synthetic Organic Chemistry using Carbohydrates: a Contribution to Green Chemistry”.

    During the talk, Prof. Queneau first briefly introduced carbohydrate compounds and biomass chemistry, and his group’s application of using biomass compounds as essentials for renewable reactants, designs of atom economical reactions, solvent-free syntheses, multi-component green chemistry and sustainable chemistry. The potential applications and scientific research in this field is much anticipated. Prof. Queneau then demonstrated the preparation of HMF and GMF, important regenerating starting materials for fine chemical syntheses, using carbohydrate compounds. The obtained HMF and GMF are excellent starting points for further derivatization. They can be applied in the design of novel chemical compounds and utilized in (Aza)-Baylis-Hillman reactions and Biginelli reactions. The talk combining industrial syntheses and scientific insights was inspiring. Following the talk was an exciting question session discussing the details of the presented chemistry, 

    Prof. Yves Queneau is director of CNRS Lyon an honorary professor of the University of Hull. Prof. Queneau obtained his Ph.D. in organic chemistry in 1988, and then worked at CNRS. He pursued postdoctoral studies in the laboratories of Samuel J. Danishefsky in 1991. In 1995 he was appointed director of CNRS, devoted towards carbohydrate chemistry. In 2003, he joined the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon) and became vice director. Prof. Queneau’s primary research interests are sustainable resources and functional polysaccharide derivatives. As an expert in carbohydrate chemistry, he was also involved in multiple biology involved projects. Prof. Queneau won the CNRS bronze medal in 1994, the “Europol’ Agro” award in 1998, CNRS reward for excellence in science in 2010, CNRS reward for research and doctoral supervision in 2014 and Lu Jiaxi Lecture Award in 2015. Prof. Queneau holds more than 165 publications and have chaired multiple international seminars. He is also on the editorial board of Carbohydrate Chemistry.