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【Qilin Zhou Group】Nickel-Catalyzed Hydroacylation of Styrenes with Simple Aldehydes: Reaction Development and Mechanistic Insights

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2016/10/12

Prof. Qilin Zhou' group has developed a highly selective nickel-catalyzed hydroacylation reaction of styrenes with aldehydes that does not require chelating groups. This reaction offers a new approach to the selective preparation of branched ketones in high yields. The experimental and computational studies show that the reaction proceeds through a LLHT pathway which involves the aldehyde hydrogen transfer to a coordinated alkene to form acyl–nickel–benzyl intermediate without oxidative addition. These results also disclosed that the origins of the reactivity and regioselectivity of the reaction, which may provide useful insights for developing new intermolecular hydroacyaltion reactions with nickel or other transition-metal catalysts.

Link: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/jacs.6b00024