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Notice of Open Days in 2020 Science and Technology Week

Source:SKLEOC   Date:2020/08/24

During the 2020 nationwide science and technology week, the State Key Laboratory of Elemento-organic Chemistry (Nankai University) will hold laboratory scientific activities for the public from in August 24-28th, 2020.

Due to epidemic prevention and control, the open activities will be held in the form of scientific lectures online. Details of the itinerary are as follows:


First Lecture: Chemical Experiment in the Computer

Date: August 26th, 2020, 10:00 A.M.

主 讲 人:彭谦

Speaker: Qian Peng, Professor, the State Key Laboratory of Elemento-organic Chemistry, Nankai University


Second LectureAnalytical Chemistry and Medical Test

Date: August 27th, 2020, 10:00 A.M.

主 讲 人:刘定斌

Speaker: Dingbin Liu, Professor, the State Key Laboratory of Medical Chemical Biology, Nankai University


Third Lecture: How to Implement Telekinesis in 21st Century

Date: August 28th, 2020, 10:00 A.M.

主 讲 人:张新星

Speaker: Xinxing Zhang, Professor, College of Chemistry, Nankai University

Welcome to the lecture series!