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玄元虎   教授    

Prof. YuanHu Xuan (Y.-H. Xuan)        




2006-2010    Department of Environmental Biotechnology, Gyeongsang National University, KOREA. Received PhD degree in Aug, 2010 (with Prof. Chang-deok Han).

2003-2006    Department of Molecular Biology, Gyeongsang National University, KOREA. Received MS degree in Feb, 2006 (with Prof. Chang-deok Han).  

1999-2003    College of Plant Protection, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang, CHINA. Received BSc Degree in July, 2003.


Academic Career                                

2023-PresentProfessor, State Key Laboratory of Elemento-Organic Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin, CHINA.       

2016-2023, Professor, College of Plant Protection, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang, CHINA.

2015-2016, Research Professor, PMBBRC, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, KOREA..

2013-2015, Associate Professor, College of Pharmaceutical Science, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, CHINA. 

2012--2013, Postdoctoral associate, Department of Plant Biology, Carnegie Institution for Science, Stanford University, California, U.S.A. (with Prof. Wolf Frommer).

2010--2012, Postdoctoral associate, PMBBRC, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, KOREA (with Prof. Chang-deok Han).

2009, Visiting Scholar, Department of Genetics, Development and Cell Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, U.S.A. (with Prof. Thomas Peterson).

Research Areas

(1)     The mechanism of plant resistance and pathogenesis.

(2)     Mechanism of herbicide resistance.

(3)     Biocontrol.

Honors & Awards 
2021    Excellent doctoral thesis supervisor in Liaoning Province

2021    Excellent Teacher of Shenyang Agricultural University

Organized Conferences

2019, National Academic Symposium on Rhizoctonia Disease, Shenyang, CHINA    

Professional Memberships 

2022-          Associate Editor, Frontier in Genetics

2020-2024  Managing Editor, JiguangshengwuXuebao

2023           Guest Associate Editor, Plant Biotechnology Journal

2023           Guest Associate Editor, Molecular Plant Pathology

2023           Guest Associate Editor, Journal of Cellular Physiology

2022-2023  Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Plant Science

Selected Publications

  1. S Yang, YW Fu, Y Zhang, DP Yuan, S Li, V Kumar, Q Mei, YH Xuan*. Rhyzoctonia solani transcription factor interacts with rice WRKY53 and grassy tiller 1 to activate SWEET sugar transporters for nutrition. Journal of Advanced Research. 2023, 50, 1-12

  2. XX Wu, H Chen, DP Yuan, V Kumar, B Jia*, YH Xuan*. Ammonium transporter 1 increases rice resistance to sheath blight by promoting nitrogen assimilation and ethylene signaling. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2022, 20(6), 1085-1097

  3. CL Shi*, YH Xuan*. OsEDR1 has non-canonical scaffold function in regulating MAPK cascade in plant Immunity. Molecular Plant. 2021, 14(4), p555

  4.  L Zhang, Y Liu, XF Zhu, JH Jung, Q Sun, TY Li, LJ Chen, YX Duan, YH Xuan*. SYP22 and VAMP727 regulate BRI1 plasma membrane targeting to control plant growth in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist. 2019, 223(3), 1059-1065

  5. Q Sun, TY Li, DD Li, ZY Wang, S Li, DP Li, X Han, JM Liu, YH Xuan*. Overexpression of Loose Plant Architecture 1 increases planting density and resistance to sheath blight disease via activation of PIN-FORMED 1a in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2019, 17(5), 855-857

  6. XF Zhu, DP Yuan, C Zhang, TY Li, YH Xuan*. RAVL1, an upstream component of brassinosteroid signaling and biosynthesis, regulates ethylene signaling via activation of EIL1 in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2018, 16(8), 1399-1401

  7. P Kim, CY Xue, HD Song, Y Gao, L Feng, Y Li*, YH Xuan*. Tissue specific activation of DOF11 promotes rice resistance to sheath blight disease and increases grain weight via activation of SWEET14. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2021, 19(3), 409-411

  8. JM Liu, Q Mei, CY Xue, ZY Wang, DP Li, YX Zhang, YH Xuan*. Mutation of G-protein γ subunit DEP1 increases planting density and resistance to sheath blight disease in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2021, 19(3), 418-420

  9. DP Yuan, S Yang, L Feng, J Chu, H Dong, J Sun, H Chen, Z Li, N Yamamoto, A Zheng, S Li, HC Yoon, J Chen, D Ma, YH Xuan*. Red-light receptor Phytochrome B inhibits BZR1-NAC028-CAD8B signaling to suppress rice resistance to sheath blight. Plant Cell and Environment. 2023, 46(4), 1249-1263

  10. JH Jung, Z Li, H Chen, S Yang, D Li, RA Priatama, V Kumar, YH Xuan*. Mutation of Phytochrome B promotes rice resistance to sheath blight and saline alkaline via activation of ammonium uptake. Plant Journal. 2023, 113(2), 277-290


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